
Presbyopia Eye DiseasePresbyopia is a vision condition in which the lens in the eye loses its flexibility. This results in progressive difficulty in focusing on close objects. Although presbyopia may seem to develop suddenly, the actual decline takes place over the course of many years. Presbyopia usually becomes apparent to people in their early to mid-forties. Our eyes have maximum focusing ability as children; however, by the time we reach our seventies, our eyes have lost all of their variable focusing ability. All healthy eyes will change naturally and predictability with the passage of time. Wearing proper prescription will not weaken or change your future visual status in any way. The effects of presbyopia constantly change. As a result, periodic updates in your prescription are necessary to maintain correct visual function at all ranges of vision. Progressive addition lenses, bifocals, trifocals and contact lenses are all available to remedy this common, unavoidable visual condition.
